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- ;
- ; $VER: install 34.1 (22 Jul 1995)
- ;
- ; Installer script for magPLIP package.
- ;
- ; (C) Copyright 1995 Marius Gröger
- ; All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- ;
- ; 30 Jul 1995 : 034.001 : initial
- ;
- (set #cpu (database "cpu"))
- (set #level @user-level)
- (set #device "magplip.device")
- (set #config "magPLIP.config")
- (set #helpfile "magPLIP.guide")
- (set #more "RUN SYS:Utilities/More")
- (set #install-notes "\"Installation Notes\"")
- ; -------------------------- Installation mode ---------------------------
- ; (The installer documentation says not to use this call
- ; final distribtions, but I know no way to let the next decision
- ; popping up in novice mode. If you do, please mail to
- ; mag@sysgo.de. Thanks.)
- (user 2)
- (set mode
- (askoptions
- (prompt "Which parts should be installed ?")
- (choices "magPLIP device driver" "AmigaGuide® documentation")
- (help @askoptions-help)
- )
- )
- (user #level)
- (set #installdevice (IN mode 0))
- (set #installguide (IN mode 1))
- ; -------------------------- Installtion setup ---------------------------
- (if #installdevice
- (
- (set #devicedir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Please locate the directory for SANA II device drivers:")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "AmiTCP:DEVS/Networks")
- )
- )
- (set #configdir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Please locate the directory for SANA II configurations:")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "ENV:Sana2")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if #installguide
- (set helpdir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Please locate the directory for AmigaGuide®-Documents:")
- (help (cat " Select here the directory where you keep your "\
- "AmigaGuide® online help documents.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- )
- )
- (default "HELP:english")
- )
- )
- )
- ; ------------------------- Device Installation --------------------------
- (if #installdevice
- (
- (set #proc
- (askchoice
- (prompt (cat "There are diffent versions of \"" #device "\", each one optimized "
- "for a specific CPU type. Please select one: "))
- (choices "MC68000"
- "MC68020"
- "MC68040"
- )
- (help (cat " Select here the CPU type that is installed in your system. "
- "\n\n Currently, this is a MC" #cpu ".\n\n If you select a certain CPU type "
- "in the choice box, \"" #device "\" will run on any CPU which "
- "type is higher or equal to the selection. However, it won't "
- "run on a system equipped with a lower type.\n\n"
- @askchoice-help)
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt (cat "Copying the device"))
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source (cat (tackon "DEVS/Networks" #device)
- (if (= 0 #proc) ".000")
- (if (= 1 #proc) ".020")
- (if (= 2 #proc) ".040")
- ))
- (dest #devicedir)
- (newname #device)
- (confirm)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (cat "Copying the configuration file"))
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source (tackon "ENV/Sana2" #config))
- (dest #configdir)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ------------------------- Guide Installation --------------------------
- ; install AmigaGuide file
- (if #installguide
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AmigaGuide file")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "help")
- (dest helpdir)
- (pattern (cat #helpfile "(%|.info)"))
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- ; --------------------- Display Installation Notes -----------------------
- (if (OR #installclient #installserver)
- (run #more #install-notes)
- )